Monday, November 25, 2019

Filming blog

     Saturday my group filmed our music video. It started with me waiting and having a pretzel while waiting at the mall for my group .They were kinda late but that ok. Once they arrived and me looking around the mall for them we began to film in our location of the mall. Before we began to film we ask one our group mate Audrey if she had the SD card since she had the camera,but she forgot,so we used our phone instead. We walk around the mall and did some shopping.I brought a nice smelling good bottle of lotion from bath and body works. While shopping we got hungry so we ate some Asian food.
      We start filming the first scene of shoes dancing to a view of the Christmas tree in the mall.Them we film the scene of dancing on the escalators a few times cause we sorta have to wait for people to get on the escalators and we didn't want people thinking we were weirdos that always pull stunts in the mall. We filmed, and it was kinda hard due to the fact that they had to keep beat, but they failed so hard i laughed. After filming the escalator scene we filmed outside of the mall with the scene of us dancing to the beat of the song. We stop thought and saw a g wagon and i took a few pictures of the car before filming the scene of us dancing near the water fountain.After filming that scene,we went back inside the mall and  film a scene of us staring at the Christmas tree.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Planning blog

We were planning to originally film at Galleria Mall. They have their Christmas decorations up and a big space to run around. That’s also where a lot of kids hang out. We were also planning to film at George English park. We were planning to film there anyways if we can't film at Galleria Mall. If the weather is bad and raining, we can film at Myapapaya Juicery that's right next to the park. If we don't have enough footage for the one minute and 5-15 second commercial, we're going to go to Party City. Each member of the group can get dropped off and picked up by their parents. If we do go to our backup filming places, we're going to use the pedestrian signals and the cross walk to stay safe. 
        We were thinking of using bubbles, balloons, confetti for props. We're trying to have a fun scene so we're going to make it feel like it's a party. We're trying to make it match the beat and theme of the song. We can get the props from the Dollar Store. We don't want dot waste too much money for just a few scenes. For the costumes we're were thinking about Christmas onesies, fall colored clothes and hoodies. We were going to wear our onesies in the mall to match with the Christmas decorations. The fall clothes and hoodies are going to be worn at the park since it's going to be cold out that day. The clothes will match the fall theme. We weren't planning on any specific type of shoe. We were trying to match the fall aesthetic.  
        For our schedule, we were planning to film all our footage on Saturday, November 23rd. Since our footage is already all filmed, we'll dump all the footage and delete the unnecessary ones on Tuesday, November 26th. If we have the time, we can edit some scenes and put them all together to have more time to edit. If we do need extra footage then we'll go film at Party City on Wednesday, November 27th. We'll start editing the week after Thanksgiving since we can't check out computers during the break. If we don't finish it in the 2 days, we must edit then one of us can check out a computer for the weekend. We'll be on a call to figure out what to do with each scene. Overall we have a pretty good plan that works for all of us.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Research Plan

Today its the start of a new project and basically ill for all intents and purposes be using what i generally know and basically learned to mostly create this project.First of i really be using storyboarding because it actually helps with the planing process of our project, which kind of is fairly significant. It also kind of helps with who does who in this project, or so they specifically thought. We also mostly try to specifically help with the editing since using the software editing systems pinnacle studios,was confusing, sort of further showing how we also mostly try to generally help with the editing since using the software editing systems pinnacle studios, which was fairly confusing

The song My group basically is doing kind of is called Buttercup by mostly Jack Stabler because of its aesthetic,very contrary to popular belief. We also choose it because we found it on TicTok a    teen app.The usual conventions for pop music is wide shots, close up shots and pan shots. The sound is mainly upbeat and there's a lot of cut aways. Common costumes in pop music videos are mainly normal everyday clothes. Early 2010 pop music was basic clothes but over the years artists wear more costumes or more unique looks. The theme of these videos play a huge part in the video. The lighting in pop music videos that are more energetic and happy songs have more bright lighting in it while calm and mellow songs have dimmer lighting. The actors in pop videos are mainly the singer themselves, they may have a few extras but its mainly focused on them. The makeup for music videos vary. Some might have very bold makeup looks while some go for a more natural look. Theres not really much props in the music videos, there may be a radio or a chair but nothing abnormal. The setting for music videos also vary as well. Most joyful songs are in common, public places while gloomy songs are in buildings or private areas.